16 research outputs found


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    This paper presents activities of Microsoft Innovation Center set inside of Romanian-American University (MIC-RAU) and the implementation of Dynamics Program in student activities and curricula. Romanian-American University is the most known private university from Romania, Bucharest, having more the 15 000 student, being organized in six faculties, where fifth has economic profile and one being specialized in law. In this case the challenges of Dynamics Programs implementation was to elaborate courses suitable for various groups of student with different background, but in the same time to keep the core knowledge needed to understand and operate with Microsoft Dynamics products. The learning process was completed with practice experience in internships organized in collaboration with Microsoft Partner network from Bucharest. The last stage of Dynamics implementation consists in a series of researches made by graduate students on Master program, in their Dissertation Thesis.innovation management, information systems, R&D management, knowledge management.


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    Developing an information system integration strategy, at enterprise level is one of the most difficult issues that the information systems managers must solve, within the present conditions. When settling the integration strategy, two aspects must mainly be taken into account: assuring a complete integration solution of the information systems and building an integration infrastructure of the applications. The present paper aims at presenting few aspects regarding the integration of the information systems at organizational level and describing a specifically developed IBM architecture.information systems integration, software modelling, Model Driven Architecture (MDA), Model Driven Development (MDD)


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    In last decade, Romanian IT sector register a sustained grown up, accordingly with official statistics. Also, by Romanian adhesion to EU, the emergent market to this sector is growing to entire European coverage. So, new technologies must be applied, together with relative low cost for labor, in order to maintain advantages in front of competitors. In this case some innovation and R&D structure has been shaped, bringing together enterprises, education organisms and government subsidiaries. So, in this article we will debate three different R&D structure types, in context of innovation, structures that are working in Romanian-American University.innovation management, information systems, R&D management, knowledge management


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    Globalization represents the destiny humankind is drawing near, everybody being affected to a larger or smaller extent by its irreversible mechanism.The business environment relies on the expansion of markets globally. Therefore it is achieved the transivirtual enterprise, virtual society, mobile Web applications

    Activex technology elements

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    The European Union is promoting eCall to reduce the number of roadway fatalities by minimizing the response time when an accident has occurred. eCall is a combination of an In Vehicle System (IVS), a device with a GSM cell phone and GPS location capability, and a corresponding infrastructure of Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) Intelligent Vehicle Safety Systems use Information and Communications Technologies for providing solutions for improving road safety in particular in the pre-crash phase when the accident can still be avoided or at least its severity significantly reduced.With these systems,which can operate either autonomously on-board the vehicle, or be based on vehicle-tovehicle or vehicle-to-infrastructure communication (co-operative systems), the number of accidents and their severity can be reduced. Location-enhanced emergency calls like in-vehicle e-Call have their primary benefit to society of saving lives and in offering an increased sense of security. The articol presents the system eCall and how does it work.eCall, functional architecture, PSAP

    Новизна в диагностике предраковыx поражений желудка.

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    Introduction: Detection and close monitoring of patients with precancerous lesions - chronic atrophic gastritis (GCA), gastric intestinal metaplasia (MIG) and gastric mucosal epithelial dysplasia (DEMG) is a priority to increase early detection and, implicitly, decrease mortality and mortality. by gastric cancer (GC). The aim of the present study is to develop a narrative synthesis of contemporary studies on GCA diagnostic methods. Material and methods: Eligible studies were searched in the PubMed, Hinari, SpringerLink and Scopus (Elsevier) databases during the years 2000-2020. Results: Out of 575 articles addressing the topic of precancerous lesions, 59 articles were qualified representative for the materials published on the topic of this synthesis article. Conclusions: There are two main methodological approaches for GCA evaluation: non-invasive serological examination using gastric function markers and invasive examination, which requires histological analysis of biopsy samples taken during upper digestive endoscopy, the latter being the „gold standard” for diagnosis.Introducere: Decelarea și supravegherea atentă a pacienților cu leziuni precanceroase – gastrita cronică atrofică (GCA), metaplazia intestinală gastrică (MIG) și displazia epiteliului mucoasei gastrice (DEMG) este o prioritate în vederea creșterii depistării precoce și, implicit, a scăderii mortalității și morbidității prin cancer gastric (CG). Scopul studiului prezent constă în elaborarea unei sinteze narative a studiilor contemporane privind metodele de diagnostic ale GCA. Material și metode: A fost efectuată căutarea studiilor eligibile în bazele de date PubMed, Hinari, SpringerLink şi Scopus (Elsevier) în perioada anilor 2000-2020. Rezultate: Din 575 de articole care abordează tematica leziunilor precanceroase, 59 de articole au fost calificate reprezentative pentru materialele publicate la tema acestui articol de sinteză. Concluzii: Există două abordări metodologice principale pentru evaluarea GCA: examenul non-invaziv serologic folosind marcherii funcției gastrice și examenul invaziv, care necesită analize histologice ale probelor de biopsie prelevate pe parcursul endoscopiei digestive superioare, ultima constituind ”standardul de aur” pentru stabilirea diagnosticului.Введение: Выявление и тщательный мониторинг пациентов с предраковыми поражениями - хроническим атрофическим гастритом (ХАГ), кишечной метаплазией желудка (КМЗ) и эпителиальной дисплазией слизистой оболочки желудка (ДСОЖ) является приоритетом для повышения раннего выявления и, косвенно, снижения смертности и смертности рак желудка (РЖ). Целью данного исследования является разработка нарративного синтеза современных исследований методов диагностики ХАГ. Материалы и методы. В течение 2000-2020 годов проводилось изучение подходящих исследований в базах данных PubMed, Hinari, SpringerLink и Scopus (Elsevier). Результаты: Из 575--ти статей, посвященных теме предраковых поражений, 59 статей были квалифицированным представителем материалов, опубликованных по теме данной сводной статьи. Выводы: существует два основных методологических подхода к оценке GCA: неинвазивное серологическое исследование с использованием маркеров функции желудка и инвазивное исследование, которое требует гистологического анализа биоптатов, взятых во время эндоскопии верхних отделов пищеварения, последнее является «золотым стандартом» для диагностики


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